Spring is Here!
What better way to start spring’s full bloom than with this adorable tiny bear head vase?
The perfect little fella to keep you company at your home. Check out Pretty Random Object’s etsy for more oh-so-cute goodies like this!
Just a quick public service announcement for guys, and girls with boyfriends. If I had more money to spend than I usually would to dress myself up, I’d be all over these: http://www.cutbywesley.com/
He was down the corner from us at the last Unique LA shindig, and was tempted to get a tie or two. But I realised, that I don’t have the shirts to wear a tie with, so I put it off for a randy dandy rainy day. And there are days that I wish I looked spiffy with a Cut by Wes tie, and a soft pair of Fluevogs, so I can conquer the world in style.
For the love of the harp…
I love Bob Dylan. I listen to mostly his early music, and there is something about his voice that I find so calming, it does make one sit and pause. (And we do need that occasional moments now don’t we?) Along with that distinctive singing voice of his in comes his harmonica, an instrument that naturally blends in with him, like bread and butter does. With his intelligently written lyrics and guitar, it all blends in… music so natural, music that’s real, music that refreshes one’s soul.
I scored a chromatic harmonica some few years back, with hopes that I can someday play it Bob Dylan style. And although I’m not quite the blues playing little cat that I want to be, it’s been fun playing it to children or just to myself. 😉 Something that just passes time!
I’ve also heard that there are these mini harp necklaces too that you can just wear around and play music with, but never actually got to get my hands on one. For the love of Bob Dylan and the harp, it’s something that I’ve always wanted, a teeny tiny music maker that I could just wear around with me…
Lo and behold! One happy Unique LA day, it was found for me by Paul, the perfect harp necklace, from Charcoal Designs, who was the table right next to us!
It was meant to be. It doesn’t work the same way as real harmonicas do, but hey, you can still blow away one or two note solos now can’t you? 😉
In between selling we’d chit chat a bit with Laura and Mike from Charcoal Designs, and I found it really interesting on how much attention to detail Laura puts in into her work on creating her intricately designed hand cast resin pieces. A lot of lovely little playful accessories in her site one just ought to check out! (Makes it even more special knowing that there’s a lot of love that comes with these whimsical and unique vintage-esque items!)
Done For the Weekend!

Kat, doodling on our mailing list...
So Unique LA has now past, and we had such a blast! Paul and I went home with lots of goodies- Thank goodness there were two of us, we were able to sub each other every now and then and do a little bit of Holiday shopping for family and friends (most especially for ourselves!) Didn’t get to really look at all the vendors, (the place was huge!) but we to got to meet a couple of real interesting ones! It was also great seeing other vendor pals we met at the Renegade Craft Fair as well. Expect more posts from us ranting about our awesome discoveries!
The Muppets: Bohemian Rhapsody
Tweeted about this a few days ago, but still can’t get over The Muppets’ awesome remake of Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody. A little reminder on how good it feels to laugh. Enjoy!
Unique Promo
Hola Boys and Girls! We have two wristbands up for grabs for this weekend’s UNIQUE LA show!
All you have to do is to leave a comment, and let us know any one of the following:
- Who’s cooler: Sasquatch or Godzilla?
- What’s the strangest thing you’ve eaten?
- Would you rather be a vampire or a platypus?
- Pick a pet: pot bellied pig, or a komodo dragon?
There are no limits for each person – comment away! On Wednesday night 10pm PST, we will close the contest and pick two winners randomly, for a chance to win an entrance ticket to this weekend’s UNIQUE LA show (good for both days) AND a free button of their choice at our booth! Now what a great deal is that!!
PLUS we will award special prizes to any of our favorite comments that manage to explode on the awesomeness scale of doom! Comment away, and see you Angelenos this weekend!!
Sneak Peek!
What a weekend! This thanksgiving weekend was spent with a lot of drawing, coming up with fresh new designs that we’ll be launching at Unique LA. It’s been real fun! I’m definitely looking forward releasing these new buttons, this particular button set has been itching to get out already… 6 days to go, fellows! Do you think you can guess this set?

Ten shillings and six pence?
Now who in the right mind would wear the price of his hat at a tea party? He must be mad!

A lovely pocket watch!
For quite an important date, indeed! 😉
Unique LA
A week away from Unique LA and we’re getting so excited! Did you know that just by attending you already get a free tote designed by Shepard Fairey’s Studio No.1? And it will be featuring artwork exclusively for the event. Now that is sweet.
Now besides our new display set up, we’ve been working on putting together our button sets. Here’s a preview of our package tags, made with love. 🙂

That last Mod Gal is one of my favorites so far. Unique LA here we come! And like what Paul said, we got some special treats in store for you Unique LA goers, so watch out for the announcement! 😉
Without me…
Occasionally, your day doesn’t always go according to plan. Thanks to gravity and Murphy’s law, there’s always something to keep you on your toes. Although it can get stressful at times, you have to admit that it does make life a little bit more exciting. Can you imagine if everything went according to plan in your day to day life? Just like how lottery winners end up broke and miserable in the end (or so I heard – I’d love to win and be the exception!), getting everything you want can have its unintended consequences.
Apologies for my tendency to ramble, I guess my point is that we can’t spend too much time getting stressed out without giving yourself proper credit for the good things you bring into the world.
And, what better way to let the world know the undeniable truth of how awesome you really are. 🙂