
We’ve spent the past couple of days brainstorming our button setup, and the countdown is fast approaching for our first UNIQUE LA attendance! We will be having a table right across the food stalls, and are terribly excited to meet all of you! We’re getting ready with a brand spankin’ new button display setup, which I’ve been sanding and painting the past few days. Hopefully I don’t mess up since I think it’ll be the coolest thing since sliced bread!

Stay tuned for more updates as December 5 and 6 draw near, we will be announcing a few event giveaways for those in attendance that weekend!

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I just won a Poketo wallet! How lucky can I be? Today I am, a lucky cat.

Lucky cat

Poketo just launched a new line of wallets by such talented artists. They are all so adorable, but I’m especially loving the one designed by Silvia Portella.


There’s so much art around to inspire yourself with! 🙂

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Did You Know That?

Yes, you will be used more often!

Yes, you will be used more often!

The Polaroid Land Camera is making a big return! Isn’t that awesome?? Before the news broke out I stocked up on SX-70 film, thinking that that will be it’s last hurrah. They were expensive and expired, but they came out pretty well. I’m hoping that The Impossible Project will be able to come up with film that gives the same quality in a pocket friendly manner.

Now isn’t that exciting!

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Find love in simplicity…


It's all around you.

Dandelion Love

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Check It Out!

Red Deer

Tuesday’s Ice Cream Yumminess at!
Quick, see if you can spot’s Yumm Buttons amidst all the other cute yumminess. 😉

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Oh my Yumminess!‘s got an awesome giveaway you ought to check out! For all you mochi lovers out there, this cute little key chain/purse charm is up for grabs:

Roscata keychain

Be sure to drop by her etsy shop. She’s got tons of mouthwatering trinkets – a red velvet cake, buttermilk pancakes, yummy chocolate bars, rainbow sno cones and much more! Here’s my personal favorite:


I think I know what I’m gonna be having for dinner tonight now….

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Postcards and Polaroids

If there’s something that Paul and I have in common, it’s our love for all things analog. Be it driving our 79 VW bus, snail mail writing, and photo taking… there seems to be more meaning in them, rather than the click-and-go things that our world’s just accustomed to.

Lately I’ve been tinkering around on Polaroids more c/o my Instant Back+ for my Diana F+ camera trying to fill up the walls in my room. So far so good.

Polaroid madness!

Polaroid madness!

And speaking of Polaroids and the love of vintage…

Polaroid Postcards from Papermash

Aren't they lovely?

Papermash makes such lovely Polaroid postcards! A definite must have for all you postcard lovers out there. Perhaps you can even turn them later on to something like this:

Postcard Banner via Design Sponge

Postcard Banner via Design Sponge

Oh, guess what, Papermash also has a competition now where you can win a year’s worth of stationary for you to write away on! Click here for more details. I’d love to win one of those myself! Good luck! 😉

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Paper Love

If you thought origami was the only way to get artistic with paper, think again! Dolly Oblong‘s got the most adorable set of Paper Totems and Paper Toys, ready to be made! Here are a couple of our favorites:

designed by Elebea

designed by Elebea

The Paper Cats: Sunnie, Ziggy, Tommie, and Bang Bang!

The Paper Cats: Sunnie, Ziggy, Tommie, and Bang Bang!

There’s so much more designs to go crazy for!

Don’t feel all paper crafty at the moment? Then drop by Dolly Oblong’s Etsy shop instead, for some awesome hand-knitted plush!

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Who’s got Soul?

Totally unrelated, but I find myself singing a lyric from the Killers: “I got soul, but I’m not a soldier.”  Now I’ll probably have LSS on my head each time I take a picture or pickup the guitar.

I found the Souldier Straps booth towards the end of RCF’s first day, and I knew I was going to get something.  It was just a matter of wiping the drool off my face and choosing a pattern that spoke to my personality.  And boy, do they speak!  Kat actually beat me to it, and got me a new camera strap!  I’ve always wanted to replace the camera strap I use since I get bothered by the huge corporate logos that usually adorn them (ehem, Nikon/Canon), and I’ve always liked being nondescript about gear.

Souldier Guitar Strap

My Souldier

Aside from the camera strap, I also decided to pickup a new guitar strap even though the one I’ve had for 13 years was holding up fine – I’m sure this one would stay with the guitar for quite awhile.

We love not only their gear, but their name also.  Show your soul. 🙂

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Stache of Awesomeness

Besides the wonderful beard that Paul snagged from I Made You a Beard, there was one real want that was staring right at us all throughout. It was the Monster Mustache from our neighbors Fuzzy Ink. And by monster, I mean 45″ of delightful fuzziness!

Almost every other hour Paul and I would be talking about how incredible it’d be to have that very stache at the back of Vanessa, our VW bus. It was such a tease for us to find out that there was an ongoing raffle to actually win it. Even more a tease when we saw someone walking away happily with one of ’em!

Monster Mustache

Sneaking a David Copafeel while John isn't looking

Halfway through the second day, Paul’s sister drops by, and we express our thoughts on the stache and just how perfect it’d be sitting at the back of our bus joining us in our road adventures. In a snap, she goes on and buys the last piece as a birthday present for Paul. Hooray! 🙂 Our bus is looking spiffy now with the new stache, all set for adventure!

It’s incredibly soft by the way, the kind that will just shut you up and lull you into space. Best for keeping the monkeys quiet. And handmade with a lot of love by John himself. Thanks!

John and Jon

Here’s John (who makes the staches) and Jon who makes awesome leather belts and shirts. It was great meeting you guys! 🙂

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