Besides the wonderful beard that Paul snagged from I Made You a Beard, there was one real want that was staring right at us all throughout. It was the Monster Mustache from our neighbors Fuzzy Ink. And by monster, I mean 45″ of delightful fuzziness!
Almost every other hour Paul and I would be talking about how incredible it’d be to have that very stache at the back of Vanessa, our VW bus. It was such a tease for us to find out that there was an ongoing raffle to actually win it. Even more a tease when we saw someone walking away happily with one of ’em!

Sneaking a David Copafeel while John isn't looking
Halfway through the second day, Paul’s sister drops by, and we express our thoughts on the stache and just how perfect it’d be sitting at the back of our bus joining us in our road adventures. In a snap, she goes on and buys the last piece as a birthday present for Paul. Hooray! 🙂 Our bus is looking spiffy now with the new stache, all set for adventure!
It’s incredibly soft by the way, the kind that will just shut you up and lull you into space. Best for keeping the monkeys quiet. And handmade with a lot of love by John himself. Thanks!

Here’s John (who makes the staches) and Jon who makes awesome leather belts and shirts. It was great meeting you guys! 🙂